The Culinary Fusion of Bavaria and America

Bavarian Burger

The Culinary Fusion of Bavaria and America

We present to you the Bavarian Burger, a culinary mash-up that embodies the fusion of classic US comfort food and the rich flavors of Bavaria. Marinated with your choice of mustard, sauerkraut, or succulent slices of smoked pork belly, this gourmet burger rests between two freshly baked buns, ready for a big bite. It’s a cultural feast, hearty and delicious, bridging two gastronomic worlds with the universal appeal of American comfort food. This burger is a symbol of cross-fertilization, offering a satisfying meal that blends the best of both cuisines. It’s a taste sensation found on menus worldwide, wherever Germany and the US converge.

Pricing: Bavarian Burger

$ 15

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You can reach us by phone at (786) 963-0149.
We look forward to hearing from you.

    Opening Hours
    Tuesday - Sunday* 04:00 pm - 11:00 pm
    Tuesday Happy Hour 04:00 pm - 11:00 pm
    Wed-Sun Happy Hour 04:00 pm - 07:00 pm
    *Food 04:00 pm - 10:00 pm
    Our Location